Ramazzina Amerigo
A family craft written in stone
Natural stone
Natural stone is a living material: its elegance is essential and astonishing, with every veining showing the virtuosity of Nature. Our artisan tradition taught us to know and respect marbles and granites: we select the materials from the best quarries in the world and we produce precious finished products and semi-finished, such as slabs.
The cutting and processing techniques changed in time and improved the production: the rapid progress of technologies allowed us to develop ever more refined and fascinating projects.
We count on people. Every day project on papers are developed into finished stone products, thanks to a precise technology in the hands of creative and capable persons.
Ideas are nothing without the right persons to make them real: our company is made of good listeners, who dare to do things, accept the challenge of an idea and create something solid as a rock.
We are used to flexible reasoning and prompt action: we never stop, always looking for the next idea and the right solution. We are passionate about projects which requires competence in the selection of raw materials, and resourcefulness and precision in its development. We like to work with those who share our values.
We know timing and the rhythm of projects, we have solid experience and sharp look toward planning, and we can count on capable and dedicated persons: in this way we can stick to our promises.
We believe in well-made work and in seriousness: our greatest ambition is to know that our customers feel on safe ground.
We are there from the beginning to the end, from the early idea to its final execution; we follow the process of creation, every project comes to life in our hands, with strength, solidity, elegance and simplicity.

Amerigo Ramazzina

Ivan Ramazzina

Ottaviano Ramazzina
Amerigo Ramazzina | Founder
Ramazzina Brothers | CEO
How we work
The solidity of materials and lightness of imagination